
Supporting delivery of the Strategic Vision for Sustainable Development in Oxfordshire by sharing knowledge and best practice around county wide strategic planning.


The FOP's planning advisory group provides a forum for local authority members to discuss county wide strategic planning matters, to support delivery of the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision for Long Term Sustainable Development.

Local Plans for the City and District Councils and the Minerals and Waste Plan for Oxfordshire County Council provide the framework for long term planning across Oxfordshire and the individual councils have sovereignty over the content of local plans through their own internal processes, as local planning authorities.

The planning advisory group work collectively to support delivery of the outcomes of the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision, identifying opportunities for joint working where there is added value in collaboration across district boundaries, and providing a councillor forum for innovative thinking and the sharing of best practice and information. It also provides a forum for the Councils to update each other on their respective local plans and strategies as they are prepared, to support the Duty to Cooperate (Localism Act 2011) - a legal test that requires cooperation between local planning authorities and other public bodies to maximise the effectiveness of local plan preparation in the context of strategic cross boundary matters.

The planning advisory group was established in July 2023 after the cessation of Oxfordshire Plan 2050, and is currently devising its work programme and priorities.

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